
Image Scroll Sequence

Add stunning scroll sequence animations to your Elementor website with our Scroll Sequence Widget. Effortlessly create captivating image scrolling animations to enhance your website's visual appeal.

Image based Cinematic Scroll Animation

Craft apple website like Scroll animations based on Image Scroll, which is responsive as well as cross browser supported using Scroll Sequence widget of Elementor in WordPress Block Editor.

Craft Advanced Scroll Sequence

Craft using your end less imagination using Elementor Page Builder for Image and Video Scroll sequence. It’s made for non technical users to have whole process super smooth.

Image Scrolling Animations

Create dynamic and visually engaging image scrolling animations on your website with our widget.

Add Many Images at once

Upload multiple images or remotely to your image scrolling animation all at once, saving you time and effort.

Lazy Load for Performance

Our widget uses lazy loading, which means that images will only load when they are needed, optimizing website performance and speed.

Fixed Section During Scroll

Choose to keep certain sections of your website fixed during scrolling for a more immersive user experience.

Preload Images

Our widget preloads images, ensuring that they load quickly and smoothly when the animation is triggered.

100% Responsive

Our widget is fully responsive, adapting to any screen size or device for a seamless user experience.

What is possible to build?

Note : Above websites are just for reference of possibilities. It's not made by The Plus Addons nor 100% possible with our addons. It's just to show reference of Image Scroll Sequence.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can use the Image Scrolling Sequence Widget from The Plus Addons for Elementor to easily create dynamic scrolling image animations like the ones on the Apple website.

No,t at all; our Elementor Image Scrolling Sequence Widget uses lazy loading and preloading techniques to optimize website performance and speed.

Yes, you can use online tools like Egif Video to Image to convert a video into a series of screenshots or images that can be used in a scrolling image sequence animation.

You can use JPEG, PNG & WebP Images for this.

Check the same widget for Gutenberg Block Editor