Vertical Level

Vertical Level from WDesignKit's Free plan – a tool making it easy to visually show steps or processes vertically on your website. Whether it's form steps or process stages, this widget is your guide. It's simple to set up, allows customization with Elementor or code, and effortlessly integrates with Elementor's features.

Style 1

Define and Scope
Setting the Course: Defining Business Goals and Scope
Gather and Analyze Data
Data Dive: Extracting Insights for Informed Decision-Making
Identify Business Requirements
Blueprinting Success: Identifying Key Business Needs
Implement and Monitor Changes
Setting the Course: Defining Business Goals and Scope

Style 2

Application Submission
Documentation Review
Entrance Examination or Interview
Application Approved

Style 3

Choose a Platform
Start your blogging journey by selecting a platform that suits your needs
Define Your Audience
A successful blog begins with a clear focus and understanding of who you want to reach
Create Content
Craft engaging and valuable content that resonates with your audience
Promote Your Blog
Personalise your blog's appearance, optimise for search engines

That's not it! We have more widgets for you.

Extend your site with our amazing collection of widgets crafted to make complex websites with least possible efforts.